Dr Allen Grove jest profesorem angielskiego Uniwersytetu Alfreda i ekspertem ds. Przyjęć do college'u z 20-letnim doświadczeniem w pomaganiu studentom w przejściu na studia.
Akron, University of |
48.55 |
153 |
3.28 |
Alabama, University of |
31.06 |
164 |
3.88 |
Albany Law School of Union University |
54.64 |
153 |
3.32 |
Uniwersytet Amerykański |
48.57 |
158 |
3.43 |
Appalachian School of Law |
62.59 |
144 |
3.05 |
Uniwersytet Stanu Arizona |
34.23 |
163 |
3.76 |
Arizona Summit Law School |
46.15 |
0 |
0 |
Arizona, University of |
25.51 |
161 |
3.70 |
Arkansas, Fayetteville, University of |
55.81 |
154 |
3.46 |
Arkansas, Little Rock, University of |
52.85 |
151 |
3.30 |
Atlanta's John Marshall Law School |
45.93 |
149 |
3.01 |
Ave Maria School of Law |
55.15 |
148 |
3.05 |
Baltimore, University of |
57.42 |
152 |
3.25 |
Barry University |
57.48 |
148 |
3.02 |
Baylor University |
39.04 |
160 |
3.59 |
Uniwersytet Belmont |
52.45 |
155 |
3.50 |
Boston College |
28.72 |
164 |
3.62 |
Uniwersytet Bostoński |
25.87 |
166 |
3.74 |
Brigham Young University |
38.14 |
164 |
3.80 |
Brooklyn Law School |
47.19 |
157 |
3.38 |
California Western School of Law |
59.01 |
150 |
3.17 |
California-Berkeley, University of |
19.69 |
168 |
3.80 |
California-Davis, University of |
34.60 |
162 |
3.63 |
California-Hastings, University of |
44.90 |
158 |
3.44 |
California-Irvine, University of |
24.76 |
163 |
3.57 |
California-Los Angeles, University of |
22.52 |
168 |
3.72 |
Campbell University |
58.7 |
152 |
3.30 |
Capital University |
64.33 |
149 |
3.25 |
Cardozo School of Law |
40.25 |
161 |
3.52 |
Case Western Reserve University |
50.32 |
159 |
3.46 |
Catholic University of America |
51.40 |
153 |
3.41 |
Uniwersytet Chapmana |
38.04 |
157 |
3.42 |
Charleston School of Law |
55.56 |
147 |
3.15 |
Chicago, University of |
17.48 |
171 |
3.89 |
Chicago-Kent College of Law-Iit |
49.34 |
157 |
3.44 |
Cincinnati, University of |
47.93 |
157 |
3.62 |
City University of New York |
38.11 |
154 |
3.28 |
Uniwersytet Stanowy w Cleveland |
52.62 |
153 |
3.43 |
Colorado, University of |
33.79 |
162 |
3.71 |
Uniwersytet Columbia |
16.79 |
172 |
3.75 |
Concordia Law School |
59.14 |
148 |
3.05 |
Connecticut, University of |
38.74 |
158 |
3.45 |
Uniwersytet Cornella |
21.13 |
167 |
3.82 |
Creighton University |
52.22 |
153 |
3.29 |
Dayton, University of |
51.90 |
149 |
3.29 |
Denver, University of |
47.45 |
158 |
3.45 |
DePaul University |
58.69 |
153 |
3.20 |
Detroit Mercy, University of |
56.10 |
152 |
3.27 |
Dystrykt Kolumbii |
35.45 |
147 |
2.92 |
Drake University |
59.24 |
153 |
3.46 |
Uniwersytet Drexel |
48.60 |
156 |
3.43 |
Uniwersytet Duke'a |
20.15 |
169 |
3.78 |
Uniwersytet Duquesne |
62.24 |
152 |
3.38 |
Elon University |
35.85 |
150 |
3.26 |
Emory University |
29.65 |
165 |
3.79 |
Uniwersytet Faulkner |
50.00 |
149 |
3.13 |
Florida A&M University |
48.94 |
146 |
3.09 |
Florida Coastal School of Law |
37.82 |
150 |
3.14 |
Florida International University |
33.31 |
156 |
3.63 |
Florida State University |
35.87 |
160 |
3.63 |
Florida, University of |
27.86 |
163 |
3.72 |
Uniwersytet Fordham |
25.85 |
164 |
3.60 |
George Mason University |
25.91 |
163 |
3.76 |
George Washington University |
40.85 |
165 |
3.71 |
Uniwersytet Georgetown |
21.23 |
167 |
3.80 |
Georgia State University |
29.99 |
158 |
3.47 |
Georgia, University of |
26.85 |
163 |
3.67 |
Uniwersytet Golden Gate |
61.26 |
150 |
3.03 |
Uniwersytet Gonzaga |
64.17 |
154 |
3.32 |
Uniwersytet Harwardzki |
12.86 |
173 |
3.90 |
Hawaje, University of |
49.67 |
154 |
3.32 |
Uniwersytet Hofstra |
49.14 |
153 |
3.42 |
Houston, University of |
33.05 |
160 |
3.61 |
Howard University |
35.32 |
151 |
3.24 |
Idaho, University of |
63.46 |
153 |
3.25 |
Illinois, University of |
32.97 |
162 |
3.65 |
Indiana University - Bloomington |
39.10 |
162 |
3.72 |
Indiana University - Indianapolis |
59.62 |
153 |
3.45 |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico |
59.62 |
139 |
3.15 |
Iowa, University of |
45.90 |
161 |
3.61 |
John Marshall Law School |
64.98 |
149 |
3.18 |
Kansas, University of |
51.93 |
157 |
3.57 |
Kentucky, University of |
48.03 |
155 |
3.46 |
Lewis And Clark College |
54.98 |
158 |
3.38 |
Uniwersytet Liberty |
58.81 |
152 |
3.36 |
upamiętnienie Lincolna |
46.95 |
149 |
3.07 |
Louisiana State University |
61.51 |
154 |
3.46 |
Louisville, University of |
65.07 |
153 |
3.37 |
Loyola Marymount University-Los Angeles |
36.34 |
160 |
3.58 |
Loyola University-Chicago |
45.67 |
157 |
3.43 |
Loyola University-New Orleans |
59.56 |
152 |
3.14 |
Maine, University of |
53.31 |
154 |
3.47 |
Uniwersytet Marquette |
48.11 |
154 |
3.42 |
Maryland, University of |
47.70 |
158 |
3.56 |
McGeorge School of Law |
59.40 |
153 |
3.32 |
Memphis, University of |
53.13 |
152 |
3.41 |
Uniwersytet Mercer |
55.85 |
152 |
3.31 |
Miami, University of |
55.95 |
158 |
3.43 |
Michigan State University |
59.41 |
154 |
3.51 |
Michigan, University of |
19.60 |
169 |
3.77 |
Minnesota, University of |
34.94 |
164 |
3.76 |
Mississippi College |
62.48 |
148 |
3.05 |
Mississippi, University of |
43.02 |
155 |
3.46 |
Missouri, University of |
48.17 |
157 |
3.49 |
Missouri-Kansas City, University of |
47.35 |
153 |
3.41 |
Mitchell | Hamline |
59.46 |
151 |
3.14 |
Montana, University of |
62.22 |
155 |
3.37 |
Nebraska, University of |
64.93 |
156 |
3.66 |
Prawo Nowej Anglii | Boston |
68.34 |
150 |
3.16 |
New Hampshire University of |
61.15 |
156 |
3.46 |
Nowy Meksyk, University of |
47.86 |
153 |
3.40 |
New York Law School |
52.36 |
153 |
3.36 |
Uniwersytet w Nowym Jorku |
23.57 |
170 |
3.79 |
North Carolina Central University |
40.88 |
146 |
3.26 |
Karolina Północna, University of |
46.87 |
161 |
3.59 |
North Dakota, University of |
64.00 |
148 |
3.13 |
Uniwersytet Północnowschodni |
41.47 |
161 |
3.60 |
Uniwersytet Północnego Illinois |
53.42 |
149 |
3.09 |
Northern Kentucky University |
67.90 |
150 |
3.25 |
Uniwersytet Północno-Zachodni |
19.33 |
169 |
3.84 |
Notre Dame, University of |
25.15 |
165 |
3.71 |
Uniwersytet Nova Southeastern |
45.69 |
150 |
3.11 |
Ohio Northern University |
42.24 |
151 |
3.52 |
Uniwersytet Stanowy Ohio |
36.09 |
161 |
3.75 |
Oklahoma City University |
63.40 |
149 |
3.20 |
Oklahoma, University of |
38.93 |
157 |
3.60 |
Oregon, University of |
50.53 |
157 |
3.38 |
Uniwersytet Pace |
50.34 |
151 |
3.30 |
Pennsylvania State - Dickinson Law |
43.36 |
160 |
3.43 |
Pennsylvania State - Penn State Law |
35.07 |
159 |
3.58 |
Pennsylvania, University of |
14.58 |
170 |
3.89 |
Uniwersytet Pepperdine |
36.28 |
160 |
3.63 |
Pittsburgh, University of |
29.31 |
157 |
3.39 |
Papieski Katolicki Uniwersytet P.R. |
62.86 |
134 |
3.44 |
Puerto Rico, University of |
66.89 |
142 |
3.55 |
Uniwersytet Quinnipiac |
64.50 |
152 |
3.47 |
Regent University |
43.20 |
154 |
3.55 |
Richmond, University of |
31.87 |
161 |
3.59 |
Uniwersytet Rogera Williamsa |
69.31 |
148 |
3.28 |
Uniwersytet w Rutgers |
48.80 |
155 |
3.36 |
Uniwersytet Saint Louis |
63.99 |
155 |
3.45 |
Uniwersytet Samford |
74.14 |
151 |
3.31 |
San Diego, University of |
35.40 |
159 |
3.53 |
San Francisco, University of |
55.55 |
152 |
3.19 |
Uniwersytet Santa Clara |
57.74 |
155 |
3.32 |
Uniwersytet Seattle |
65.19 |
154 |
3.32 |
Seton Hall University |
48.56 |
158 |
3.49 |
South Carolina, University of |
49.76 |
155 |
3.41 |
South Dakota, University of |
64.81 |
150 |
3.27 |
South Texas College of Law Houston |
56.17 |
151 |
3.10 |
Południowa Kalifornia, University of |
19.24 |
166 |
3.78 |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
50.36 |
150 |
3.10 |
Southern Methodist University |
47.19 |
161 |
3.68 |
Uniwersytet Południowy |
65.91 |
144 |
2.83 |
Southwestern Law School |
46.12 |
153 |
3.22 |
St. John's University |
41,93 |
159 |
3.61 |
St. Mary's University |
55.84 |
151 |
3.19 |
St. Thomas University (Floryda) |
53.80 |
148 |
3.10 |
St. Thomas, University of (Minnesota) |
60.52 |
154 |
3.53 |
Uniwersytet Stanford |
8.72 |
171 |
3.93 |
Uniwersytet Stetson |
45.52 |
155 |
3.36 |
Uniwersytet Suffolk |
65.04 |
153 |
3.36 |
Uniwersytet Syracuse |
52.10 |
154 |
3.38 |
Temple University |
35.92 |
161 |
3.54 |
Tennessee, University of |
37.28 |
158 |
3.62 |
Uniwersytet Texas A&M |
30.22 |
157 |
3.51 |
Texas at Austin, University of |
20.95 |
167 |
3.74 |
Texas Southern University |
35.42 |
144 |
3.03 |
Texas Tech University |
44.00 |
155 |
3.44 |
Thomas Jefferson School of Law |
44.76 |
147 |
2.80 |
Toledo, University of |
62.47 |
152 |
3.44 |
Touro College |
55.70 |
148 |
3.00 |
Uniwersytet Tulane |
53.42 |
159 |
3.46 |
Tulsa, University of |
41.65 |
154 |
3.48 |
University of Buffalo-SUNY |
57.91 |
153 |
3.41 |
University of La Verne |
46.01 |
149 |
3.00 |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
56.91 |
148 |
3.19 |
University of Nevada - Las Vegas |
30.80 |
158 |
3.66 |
UNT Dallas College of Law |
39.67 |
150 |
3.08 |
Utah, University of |
47.54 |
159 |
3.56 |
Uniwersytet Valparaiso |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Uniwersytet Vanderbilt |
23.66 |
167 |
3.80 |
Szkoła prawnicza w Vermont |
76.39 |
151 |
3.25 |
Uniwersytet Villanova |
29.49 |
158 |
3.57 |
Virginia, University of |
15.33 |
169 |
3.89 |
Wake Forest University |
33.96 |
162 |
3.58 |
Uniwersytet Washburn |
57.84 |
153 |
3.35 |
Washington and Lee University |
28.65 |
163 |
3.51 |
Uniwersytet Waszyngtoński |
29.97 |
168 |
3.81 |
Washington, University of |
26.41 |
163 |
3.69 |
Wayne State University |
48.06 |
158 |
3.50 |
West Virginia University |
61.52 |
153 |
3.38 |
Western Michigan University |
86.13 |
142 |
3.02 |
Uniwersytet Zachodniej Nowej Anglii |
58.66 |
148 |
3.29 |
Western State College of Law |
52.50 |
148 |
3.02 |
Whittier Law School |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Widener University-Delaware |
61.89 |
148 |
3.17 |
Widener-Commonwealth |
62.07 |
147 |
3.13 |
Willamette University |
75.42 |
152 |
3.13 |
William and Mary Law School |
36.13 |
162 |
3.76 |
Wisconsin, University of |
45.62 |
162 |
3.58 |
Wyoming, University of |
55.12 |
152 |
3.39 |
Uniwersytet Yale |
6.85 |
173 |
3.92 |
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